Saturday, August 19, 2006

Birthing Classes

We just finished our condensed childbirth class..... Boy, did I learn a lot... I learned that the mom has ALL the control when she is in labor... and that I am at her command.. so if she wants the remote to the TV, I have to give it up... That means I can't watch Sportscenter... That will be okay... I can give it up for a couple hours..... Let's hope it is a quick birth.... For me and for Erin....
Erin has said I have jinxed us with Sadie.. Ever since I mentioned the contractions on the website last Friday, she hasn't had anything remotely close to one... She went back to the Dr this past Thursday and nothing had changed... During the birthing class, I got to put on 30 pounds of baby and bladder... Boy did I look HOT!!!!.. We do have a picture on our camera phones and we will try to put them on here ASAP... Erin made me get on the floor and try to get up.. That was harder than I thought and then she took off my shoes and made me put them on and tie them... I COULD HARDLY REACH MY FEET!!!!!! I am so glad it isn't me carrying this baby...
Alex has been signed up for soccer.. I don't know much about soccer because I have never played it, so I told Erin I need the "Dummies for Soccer" book so I can follow what is going on with Alex's soccer games... His first practice is this upcoming Thursday and his first game should be soon.. I don't know if it is before or after Labor day.....
Well at least one of my teams is playing well.. How about them Yanks??? Whipping up on the Red Soxs.... For the Redskins, luckily it is preseason and these games don't count...They have another game tonight against the NY Jets...We will see what happens... And for your little comment Mr Duncan about the Deadskins, it is ON!!! My family and your family have a date that day when the Skins and the Kittens meet... Hail to the Redskins, Hail Victory!!!! You are going to love that song after that day!!!
Sally, Oliver says Hello and hopes to see you soon!!! And he has torn up the toy you gave him more squeakers in that toy -- but he still loves it.

I leave you with this "You can't have two #1's because that will make 11" From Ricky Bobby Movie....

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